People with heart conditions should never take ED medications without consulting a doctor. Online pharmacies also may not fill short-term prescriptions, such as those for antibiotics. Generic vs. So in answer to the question: is Sildenafil just a cheaper version of Viagra? If approved, the provider will issue a prescription.Amazon Pharmacy: Sildenafil (Generic for Viagra, Oral Tablet).us. Account Returns& Orders. Cart. Transfer your prescription for Sildenafil (Generic for Viagra, Oral . An FDA investigation found that more than one-third of “dietary supplements” sold for ED actually contained prescription drugs, including sildenafil, the medicine in Viagra. Counterfeit Viagra is known to contain amphetamines, toxic chemicals, the wrong dose of active ingredients, and even blue printer ink. It’s a good practice to avoid international sites. Each country has its own governance when it comes to manufacturing. Stick to reputable sites and pharmacies you can See more.

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